Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pocket Squares

A handkerchief is a small, square, thin, cloth used for wiping the nose and eyes. The first handkerchief solely for the face was used in conjunction with religion. These early handkerchiefs, called "facials," were simply small pieces of silk tissue used by priests at the altar and then left there when the service was completed.
The pocket-handkerchief is in fact only 400 years old. From Italy, the handkerchief soon crossed the Alps and spread through France where it found a great success with the lords and ladies in the court of Henry II. The handkerchief of this period was made with the most expensive fabrics, adorned with embroidery, and were objects of great luxury. It isn't until about 1850 that Germany adopted the handkerchief, but was only used by royalty and the very rich.

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Pocket squares are an elegant accessory for any men’s black tie attire. Weather you are wearing a bow tie or a silk necktie, pocket squares add elegance and sophistication that harmonizes exceptionally well with your formal attire. Nevertheless, I wear pocket squares because it stand out and make you look the part of style, fashion can my own look that not every man can wear correctly. Only few men choose to wear a pocket square, not because they don’t want to, but typically they don’t know how to match one, how to fold the pocket square, how to combine colors, or they simply don’t know where to buy quality silk, cotton, and fine silk from Italy, pocket squares. 

There are few places within Charlotte you can by very great pocket square is where I go. For ideas where to buy the pockets square are:

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